Carrier neutral data centers. Data Center Design. Data Center Pod Concept. Key Advantages.

Many small- to mid-sized businesses rely on pqcservice dedicated server solutions because we offer carrier-neutral data center options.

If your business operates its own fiber optic backbone or if you have existing global connectivity agreements with Tier One Internet Service Providers, you can connect directly to your carrier of choice over softlayer last mile fiber ring.
Consider the benefits of pqcservice connectivity:

Fault-tolerant Internet connectivity with 30 providers at minimal speeds of 1Gbit/s per provider link
Fault-tolerant BGP4 route advertisement
Fault-tolerant Cisco core routers
Fault-tolerant power systems with multiple building-wide UPS systems and diesel generators
Fault tolerance through unique fiber-optic cable entrances and paths
Onsite Tier 1 carrier equipment
Gb  Ethernet speed to all distribution routers and customer connection switches

All SoftLayer data centers are built upon SoftLayer’s unique pod design concept, making them functionally independent with distinct and redundant resources, and fully integrated through SoftLayer’s revolutionary network architecture. You can have direct control over your system in any SoftLayer data center and full access to all of SoftLayer’s back-end services—all fully automated and on demand.

Each data center facility features one or more pods, each built to the same specifications with best-in-class methodologies to support up to 5,000 servers. Leveraging this standardization across all geographic locations, we optimize key data center performance variables including: space, power, network, personnel, and internal infrastructure.

Dallas    60,000+    Servers
Seattle    10,000+    Servers
Washington    12,000+    Servers
Houston    25,000+    Servers
San Jose    12,000+    Servers

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